Greater Gotham Business Council
November 1990
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by Dan Perlman, Vice President of Activities
When: Thursday, Nov. 15, at 7 p.m.
Where: The Center, 208 W. 13th Street, Network Room
Admission: Members, free; guests, $5.00.
Inside out: to be an openly gay/lesbian working inside New York City government.
For the average gay and lesbian business person, being “out” is seldom an absolute issue. There’s always that moment when the decision to disclose sexual preference is made. But for some of our community, being out has provided a step up on the career ladder and has given the gay and lesbian community a visible presence in City Hall. On Thursday, Nov. 15, GGBC members and guests can meet many of the high-powered, high-ranking City administrators, who are also gay or lesbian.
What’s it like? Do they have offices without closets? Do their pink triangles clash with the Mayor’s blue unity ribbons? Why don’t we qualify for minority set-aside programs? Are low-interest loans available for minority businesses like ours? Who do we speak with when we think we’re being discriminated against? How close is the City to bankruptcy?
A special panel will answer questions, discuss opportunities available to the gay and lesbian businesses and talk about ways professional and business organizations might forge a stronger relationship with City Hall.
The panel will include Dr. Marjorie Hill, the Mayor’s liaison; Rosemary Kuropat, Chief of Staff for Economic Development; and Tom Duane from the Comptroller’s office among others.
This is networking at the highest level. Come for the 6 p.m. social hour and mingle with our guests. Doors open at 6 p.m., and the panel goes on at 7:10 p.m., after a brief business meeting. Members are free and non-members $5.