Greater Gotham Business Council
February 1991
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Out of the Ivory Tower and Into the Business World
Is there gay life after college? It’s a question many of didn’t have an answer to when we graduated. Come to think of it, some of us didn’t know there was gay life during college!
Think back. Whether it was last year or 40 years ago. What would it have meant to you to know that gay men and lesbians were not only “out”, but making it in the real world?
GGBC takes the month of February to go back to school. Well actually, to bring school to The Center. Join our hosts, Andy Weiser, GGBC secretary of the Board, and Michael Mangino, a new member of the Program Committee, as we welcome gay and lesbian students of the New York City area.
According to Dan Perlman, vice president of activities, gay and lesbian student associations from as far south as Princeton and as far north as Yale and Harvard have been invited to attend GGBC College Night.
With this program, GGBC is creating opportunities for both the student community and the business community. For the students, we are providing a chance to hear from, meet with, and get a glimpse of what life on the other side of the sheepskin is really like. Perhaps a chance to meet a mentor, make contacts for future employment, or even see that being gay and being in the business world are not mutually exclusive. In addition, GGBC will give these students a chance to learn the risks and caveats associated with making choices about being in or out of the closet.
For GGBC members, this is a chance to give something to the ‘incoming’ members of our community, to be a mentor, to find future employees or maybe even an apprentice or summer intern.
Other members of the Network of Gay and Lesbian Professional Organizations will assist with this event, so there will be many professions represented. This is also an opportunity for GGBC members who are facing midlife crisis to explore other careers.
Dr. Marjorie Hill from the Mayor’s Office will also be with us to provide her always-engaging view from downtown.
Join GGBC on February 21st at 6 p.m. for an hour of socializing and networking. The program begins after a short business meeting at 7 p.m.