Space Frontier Society
A Chapter of the National Space Society
December 1994
Vol. 5, No. 9
Page 2
by Dan Perlman, Editor
Well, here we are at the end of 1994. It seems this year went incredibly fast. The political clime pormises change – as to how it affects space exploration remains to be seen, but it seems promising.
Greg Zsidisin gives us an analysis of that political future in his President’s Message. He also gives us a quick update on ISDC ’96 and a look back at last weekend’s joint “field trip” with the Philadelphia chapter of NSS. This issue we have the continuation of Darrell Coles’ feature on Space Development Finance that he began with our October issue.
Steve Wolfe joins us this month with a look at some restructuring of the SFS committees and how you can be a part of it all. Carolyn Josephs catch’s us up on the doings of the Education Committee, especially as regards next year’s educators conference and the current student space art competition. Robin Vernuccio gives us another excellent book review, and we present another one of our outstanding student essays from this year’s competition.
George Lewycky joins us with a look back at an exciting year for him, 1993. If 1994 was as exciting, perhaps we can look forward to a similar review?
Big doings are afoot in the world of life on Mars. Take a look at the Space News column to see just what’s happening. In other news, the Space Shuttle fleet gets a boost from McDonnell Douglas and Boeing. David Anderman sends us the latest update on the Lunar Resources Data Purchase Act.
Thanks to all of you who sent compliments on my review of Marshall Savage’s The Millennial Project, I enjoyed reading it and writing about it. Fair warning though, with this kind of encouragement, you may find yourself stuck with more reviews…