Space Frontier Society
A Chapter of the National Space Society
January 1995
Vol. 6, No. 1
Page 2
by Dan Perlman, Editor
First, and foremost, Happy New Year to all! We begin Volume 6 of Space Frontier News with the latest news releases from Boeing on the International Space Station venture. This lead piece comes direct from them and was originally released back in September. It is followed on page 5 by their latest December update.
Back in November, we’d asked for some thoughts from our members on Craig Ward’s e-mail letter to some of the NSS membership on the future structure of NSS. While the topic generated considerable verbal discussion, and apprently quite some letters to Craig, Greg Oleson was the sole member to send SFN a letter in response. That letter is reproduced in full on the next page.
Taking up a big portion of this month’s issue are the announcements for the upcoming ISDC ’95 in Cleveland, Ohio.
However, we couldn’t let that edge our our monthly Education column from Carolyn Josephs, another top flight children’s book review from Robin Vernuccio, and our last student essay to be published from last year’s contest. Look to Carolyn’s column for the latest news on this year’s art competition. Greg Matloff also contributes a short news piece following upon this summer’s robotic interstellar flight conference.
Our president, Greg Zsidisin, sent me an update fort he January 8 ISDC ’96 planning meeting, which, due to this month’s delayed publication date, isn’t included. Greg will rejoin us next month with his President’s Message and ISDC ’96 Update columns. Right Greg?
Last month’s piece on the potential reopening of the “life on Mars” question generated a flurry of activity around the country, with articles and copies of the letter being reproduced in numerous other chapter newsletters. Glad we got your attention!