Space Frontier Society
A Chapter of the National Space Society
March 1995
Vol. 6, No. 3
Page 2
by Dan Perlman, Editor
One of our goals in providing Space Frontier News to our membership and readers is to communicate what’s happening in the space, astronomy, astrophysics, and yes, even science fiction, world in New York and surrounding areas. We’ve been a little lax in the past few issues in providing our regular Space News column, as well as including information about events sponsored by organizations other than SFN or NSS.
Starting with this issue we’d like to rectify that. But to do so, we need your help. If you know about events of interest to our space advocate community, let us know – preferably with sufficient advance notice to have it appear in these pages. If you attend an event, be it a lecture, a film, a meeting, or convention, send us a couple of paragraphs on what happened.
Some of you have already started doing this after we made a similar request at the last general meeting. Thanks go to Frances Crane and Don Fowler for providing the schedule for the Hayden Planetarium’s Frontiers in Astronomy & Astrophysics lecture series. David Millman provides a look at NASA’s new budget, and several of our space colleagues have submitted news about upcoming events and services. Also, arriving barely in time, we received a flyer on a program “Rovers on Mars via Hawaii” running between March 4th and 11th at the Maritime Center at Norwalk, sponsored by The Planetary Society and the JASON Project. Call 203/852-0700 for more information. And, if anyone goes to the exhibit…
Make sure to attend our general meeting on March 12th, where Dr. Greg Matloff will take us on a trip “Across The Galaxy in 20 Minutes – Interstellar Flight”.