Space Frontier Society
A Chapter of the National Space Society
Summer 1995
Vol. 6, No. 5
Page 2
by Dan Perlman, Editor
With the hottest part of the summer stretched ahead of us, it seemed the time to get a summer issue out. You know, something to take to the beach and read while you soak up a little UV-A, B, and C…
Sorry it’s been awhile since the last issue (April), but we’ve all been busy with attending events, planning events, going to films, judging art contests, and similar sorts of procrastination excuses. That’s what summer’s all about isn’t it?
Make sure to catch upon recent events, including SFS’s Apollo 13 viewing and ISDC ’95 in our president’s column starting on the next page. Also, Carolyn’s latest on what’s happening in the world of the upcoming Asimov Seminar – if you’re not already registered, there’s not much time left!
Our cover “article” is a letter by Seth Potter that gives us some food for thought on the world of manned spaceflight.
This is the last newsletter that I have a copy of in my files. I have at least a vague remembrance of more, and definitely that at the point that I stopped being the editor, of writing a final column, and I’m pretty sure I wrote something on the mentioned Asimov seminar, though Linda may have done it and I just edited it. Likely, I just didn’t keep hard copies and the floppy discs, which we still used in those halcyon days, have disappeared.