An odd sort of dinner, I can’t look at it and see any real theme to it, not even particularly related to the season, or being the start of the new year, or even a coherence to the menu. Perhaps the choice of caviar as a starting course was a celebratory one. I have for years maintained that the choice to pair the fish eggs with the iced Maraschino (not the disgusting, vermilion sweet cherries, but the slightly bitter, intense liqueur) was a page out of, one of my favorite sci-fi authors, Neal Stephenson’s Quicksilver, where one of his characters is describing it as a far better match than caviar and champagne. The timing fits, the book was published in mid to late 2003, so I’d likely just read it, but I’ve just done a word search through my ebook version of the tome and not found it. There is a caviar eating scene in his book Cryptonomicon
, but no Maraschino mentioned. So I’m at a loss now to recall where I read the scene. Nonetheless, at the time, I decided to give it a try, and it’s actually quite true – it’s an amazing combination. Where whomever wrote it got the idea from, I have no idea, it’s not something that I’ve encountered anywhere else in gastronomic literature (or any other literature for that matter).
January 11, 2004
Iced Maraschino
Edi Kante Chardonnay, 1996
Villa di Capezzana Carmignano Riserva, 1990
Mountain Gorgonzola; Dark Chocolate
Oka; Chestnut Confiture
Aged Manchego; Fig Jam
Mayacamas Cabernet Sauvignon, 1973
Pineapple Guava White Tea