Having recently returned from my first trip to Argentina and Uruguay, I was filled with excitement at the various new foodstuffs I’d tried. In retrospect, it seems rather tame, I didn’t eat anything unusual, nor anything I hadn’t had before, elsewhere, but I guess a combination of the setting, a magical vacation, and meeting Henry (a big part of the magic), it seemed much more interesting at the time, than it does looking back from today. I also had no idea that this was approaching the end of the road for the Second Sunday Supper Circle, with only a single dinner to come….
Sunday, March 13, 2005
A dinner inspired by my culinary adventures in South America
Champagne Chartogne-Taillet
Sweetbreads with Fennel & Ginger
1996 Kante Sauvignon
Hanger Steaks with Chimichurri
1994 Errazuriz “Don Maximiano”
Dulce de Leche with Dates
Lustau East India Solera Sherry