Greater Gotham Business Council
March 1991
Pages 1-2
Democracy swings into action every March. It’s time for the annual meeting, including the board elections. It’s your chance to be part of GGBC’s decision-making process. It’s time to ask yourself: Who do you want representing you? Would you vote for that person? Will you be that person? When am I going to get involved in this organization?
JOin GGBC in the Network Room at the Community Center on Thursday, March 21, for campaign oratory, socializing, flesh pressing, and – should the opportunity arise – a little baby kissing. This spring, three seats on the Board of Directors will be filled. Positions are open by the completion of Tom Ring’s three-year term and vacancies left by the early resignations of Judith Lafemina and Jo Taibi.
Our “Meet The Candidates” event will give you the chance to spill your guts, question the candidates, and have a say in the future of GGBC. As a part of the annual meeting, President William C. Galliker will also review the year’s activities. Among the accomplishments and plans to be discussed:
– The GGBC marketing program, which is in its earliest stages of implementation.
– The Greater Gotham Business Report, a twice-monthly business news segment on Gay Cable Network.
– The GGBC Professional Mentoring Program.
“It was a year of quiet but very important change that started with the town meeting last April,” Bill recently commented. “The Board has worked very hard to establish a new direction, based on the ideas that were raised by the members. We are looking forward to discussing the new programs and organizing committees to help the programs flourish.”
Policies, Procedures Profits
GGBC will join other lesbian and gay professional organizations as the Community Center and the City of New York Comptroller’s Office sponsor a workshop about doing business with the City.
Tom Duane, the Comptroller’s Manhattan Community Liaison, will host a special program about economic development opportunities, small business loans, contracting procedures and instruction for navigating the Procurement Policy Board’s red tape.
This is the follow-up we promised you in November when GGBC introduced may of the “out” members of the Dinkins administration. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about how the City can empower your business.