Ruth – “The World as it Should Have Been”

The World As It Is…and the World As It Should Be | by Amanda Pine | Medium

The Book of Ruth is another around which there’s a lot of dispute. Not as to whether to include it, though there was some of that, but as to where it fits in the canon of books. In Christianity, it’s considered an older book, and fits back between Judges and Samuel, among the first books after the Torah itself. In Jewish tradition, it’s considered a far later book, coming here at almost the end of them. Why the difference? Those scholars who favor the earlier interpretation point to its references to various events that fit the 11th century BCE historical timeline, and some even credit the authorship to Samuel, treating it as a historical narrative written in short story style. Those who favor the later point to discrepancies in language – the use of Hebrew phrases and words that, they claim, simply didn’t exist in those earlier times, and that it’s a book written in the 5th century BCE as a sort of imagining of those earlier times by an anonymous outsider. As well, it’s noted that earlier books were set in a milieu of constant wars, battles, conquest, and leadership intrigue, whereas Ruth is, for the most part, idyllic and pastoral, an imagined better world, perhaps even an “alternate history novel”.

  1. Elimelech, a well respected man in Bethlehem, packs up and leaves for Moab with his wife Naomi, where they raise a family. Their two sons marry local Moabite women, Orpah and Ruth. Elimech, and the two sons, all die. Naomi decides she’s had enough of Moab and wants to return home. She tries to convince her daughters in law not to come with her, but Ruth insists, and follows her. In short order, the two arrive in Bethlehem, where Naomi is recognized and greeted warmly. It is noted, and I’m wondering if it will be important, that they arrive at the start of the barley harvest festival.
  2. Naomi and Ruth need food. Ruth goes out and finds a field where workers are harvesting barley, and she starts picking up the stalks they’ve left behind. The owner of the field sees her and asks who she is. On finding out she’s Naomi’s daughter-in-law, he tells her she’s welcome to stay and pick through the fields. He also instructs his workers to make sure they leave enough behind for her. When she relates this to Naomi, having brought home a full bushel of grain, Naomi realizes that the owner, Boaz, is a relative of hers who remembers her from days gone by.
  3. Now, we haven’t learned yet just exactly what the familial connection is between Naomi and Boaz. But Naomi has a plan for Ruth’s future, and tells Ruth to bathe, perfume, and dress provocatively, and then sneak into the room where Boaz is sleeping that night, at his mill, and “uncover his feet and lie there” until he wakes up and takes notice. Her hope is, it is claimed, that he will not respond in an erotic manner upon discovering that it is Ruth uncovering and lying… oh, can we please just say it, she’s blowing him – and instead will be virtuous, and perhaps offer to marry her. Boaz indeed wakes up, finds out it’s Ruth, she stays there “uncovering and lying” until dawn, then sneaks out back home, along with a gift of more barley from Boaz.
  4. So, Boaz calls for a meeting with the town’s richest man and eleven town elders, the latter there to be witnesses. He tells them about Naomi’s return, and her daughter Ruth, and that they need financial help. He notes that Naomi’s deceased husband owned property, which has been left unoccupied and things like taxes not paid. He asks for the rich guy to buy it, so that Naomi has money, and also to marry either Naomi or Ruth. The rich guy agrees to the purchase, but declines the marriage, however, offers that he will buy the property and then give it to Boaz along with the marriage rights. The elders sign their names to the agreement. Boaz gets the property, marries Ruth, they have a kid, Naomi takes on the raising of the kid (it’s not clear why Ruth isn’t raising her own child), and everyone lives happily ever after. The End.