Issue 8, Volume VIII
April 2, 1976
pg. 2
In the Service
In less than three months, it will be commencement day for Huron High School Seniors. Many tend to think of commencement as the end of school days. But, even by its definition, commencement is the beginning. For 1976’s graduating class, we might ask the question: The beginning of what?
For some, commencement marks the beginning of another phase of their education. Maybe it’s college, or technical school. But for most, commencement marks the beginning of a working career. Where will this year’s graduates find their jobs? And what opportunities for the future will these jobs hold? These are difficult questions, but questions that require answers.
Far too often, the only jobs available to young people are jobs that are only a short road to nowhere. You deserve something better. And one place where you can get something better is in the all-volunteer Army.
Today’s Army has many programs some of which are described below:
Enlisted Men/Women
When you enlist you have many opportunities to do what you want. After Basic Training that everyone goes through, you are sent to the Service School of your choice; whether it’s Infantry, Military Police, Signal Corps, or whatever you want… but you have to work at it.
After you have your new skill, you can now pick which Army post you’d like to work at. If there’s an opening there, you’re on your way. If not, pick a second choice.
You can also enlist on the Delayed Entry Program, which means that from the date you enlist you have up to 9 months to report for basic training.
There is also the new Stripes for Skills program. If you have a special civilian learned skill that the Army can use, whether it’s flute player, cook, veterinarian’s assistant or any of over 50 possible fields, you could spend as little as 8 weeks in training and then start out as an Army Sergeant!
And for those of you who want to go to college, why not take advantage of the Army’s Project AHEAD. In this program you enlist in the Army and enroll in college at the same time. Then while working for the Army , you also attend classes right there on the base. The credits earned whil in the Army are then transferred back to whatever college you enrolled in, and counted toward a bachelor’s degree.
And one more thing, although you can’t get rich in the Army, you’ll be making good money. A Private starts out at $361.20 a month plus room and board. Or if you are promoted to Sergeant through the Stripes for Skills program, you’ll be starting out at $452.30 a month plus room and board.
Officer’s Programs
If you think you have the qualifications to be an officer in the US Army, you have basically three programs to choose from.
The first is the Reserve Officer’s Training Corpos (ROTC). If you plan to be attending college (4 yr. or 2 yr) you could be eligible for this program. Except for their military instruction, ROTC cadets attend the same classes and live the same life style as other students, including paritipation in extracurricular activities. And while you are in school the Army will pay you as much as $2500 during your Junior and Senior years. Or if you can earn an ROTC scholarship you could get all of your tuition, room and board, and $100 a month for up to 10 months a year for all four years of college.
The second program is West Point. You attend West Point as you would any college except for the addition of military life on campus. West Point is free too, if you get accepted. You have to be in top shape, both physically and mentally to make it in, and to stay in. But if you make it, it’s worth it… a free college education and your Army commission.
The third program is Officer’s Candidate School (OCS). There are several ways to get into OCS. If you go to college first, you can enlist into this program instead of enlisting as a Private. Or go to a two year college, enlist, and after a year or two of service apply for the school. The third way is to enlist, serve for five or six years (at least) and then apply for the school.
And one more benefit, after any of these commissioning programs you will be a second lieutenant… with at least $666 a month plus room and board.
The Ary offers many job-training courses, an excellent salary and fine living conditions. It also offers a benefit that’s impossible to price. Not just a job, but a job with dignity.
For more information contact Mike Stewart, 665-3731 or drop in and see him at 212 S. Fourth Ave., Ann Arbor. If you’re interested in the ROTC program contact Colonel Parker, 764-2400.
It probably seems silly to include a few pieces from my high school newspaper, but hey, it’s where I got my start writing, so why not?