Happy 500th Birthday Nostradamus!
A relatively short menu for our group. Most of our dinners extended, as you have perhaps seen in these pages, to 5, 6, or even 7 courses. A four course dinner, one of which was a salad with cheese, seems so unlike me. A few errors are present on the menu – corrected in the text below (spelling and a date), and I’ve added English descriptions of the dishes for those who, like me, don’t really speak French. Strangely, also, for me, I didn’t list the vintage date for the Calvados at the end of the meal, one of my favorite producers, and one which I usually had a couple of different vintages on hand from.
Second Sunday Supper Circle
Happy 500th Birthday Nostradamus!
Michel de Nostradame, more commonly known as Nostradamus, was born on December 14, 1503, in St. Remy de Provence. He is best known for his book of prophecies ‘Centuries Astrologiques’ published in 1555. In the same year, he also published ‘Excellent er Moult Utile Opuscule a tous necessaire qui desirent avoir connaissance de plusieurs exquises recettes’ (An excellent andmost useful little work essential to all who wish to become acquainted with some exquisite recipes). These aren’t his recipes.
(Winter Vegetable Soup with Pesto)
Pol Roger “Cuvée Sir Winston Churchill” 1988
(Braised Pheasant with Cinnamon Jam)
Ch. De la Gardine Chateauneuf du Pape, 1994
(Camembert & Pear Salad with Cider Vinaigrette)
Cidre Poire
(Rye Torte with Chestnuts)
Coeur du Lion Calvados